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Day of the Mammal

Most of the activity recently here at the hide has focused on our feathered visitors and I have to say they have been very obliging, posing for photographs in exchange for free seeds and nuts. And once again today at the hide all the usual suspects have arrived , had their photo taken and collected their reward. 

But , just for a change there has been a lot of non feathered activity mostly centred around the paddling pool , the Mammals. Not one , but two Bank voles . The Brown rat pack out in good numbers together with the squirrel squad who arrived on mass in the early afternoon. And last but not least , Rabbits. Now I know that they are all kind of small but they all count. 

Back to our feathered friends, today’s visitors include the every present Blue tits , Great tits , Dunnock and Robin. As per usual the local Pheasants have been around all day mopping up any split seeds and generally causing mayhem around the paddling pool. 

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