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Jeni Bell’s Wild Britain – Chalke Valley Red Kites

The continued adventures Of Jeni , Bill and Millie……..

My first glimpse of the Chalke Valley was around 6 years ago, from the top of Hogware Road, on the way to Broadchalke, in Wiltshire. It’s a spot I return to frequently whenever we are back in the area and find myself dreaming of when we’re not.

Over those 6 years not much has changed; a patchwork quilt of fields still spreads out tucking in the rolling chalke downs – patterned by intricate hedgerows and scrub floored copses. Each summer spumes of dust follow harvesting tractors, whilst winters still bring frosts and drifting snows that whip up against fence posts like frothed milk.

There are a few differences though.

Those skies have changed.

Now, they’re decorated with red kites.

When I first moved here, I would catch the odd glimpse of a red kite in the distance whilst out walking, that became a couple of red kites a bit closer, then a few more and a few more. Now, I can’t walk through the valley without them passing over head.

A pretty impressive feat for a species that was once nearly wiped out completely in the U.K.

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1 reply »

  1. hello, wish i had the confidence to follow in your footsteps , love reading about your adventures

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